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Navy Seaman Gage Reesor, 18-old son of Angie Lamb, recently completed US Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, North Chicago, Illinois. He is a 2014 graduate of Liberty Christian Academy in Argyle, where he was a three-time TAPPS State Champion and Captain of the wrestling team.  Among his many accomplishments, he is the youngest person on record from his school to ever hold a State Wrestling Title.  He reported to Naval Basic Training on July 2.

During the eight-week program, Naval-recruit Reesor completed a variety of training exercises which included classroom study and practical instruction on US Naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, also shipboard and aircraft safety. An emphasis was also placed on physical fitness.

Naval boot camp is designed to galvanize the basic warrior attributes of sacrifice, dedication, teamwork and endurance in each recruit through the practical application of basic Navy skills and the core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. It's distinctly "Navy" flavor was designed to take into account what it means to be a Sailor.

Immediately upon completion of boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Recruit Training Command Post in Illinois, he was assigned to “A” school in Pensacola, Florida where he will be stationed for up to twelve months to get specialized training in the field of Internet Technology (IT).